Zoë T. Rossman

University of New Mexico

Below is an abbreviated version of my CV, a full PDF version is available here


University of New Mexico
Doctor of Philosophy in Biology
Advisor: Dr. Felisa Smith
Anticipated graduation: Fall 2024

University of New Mexico
Master of Science in Biology (2022)
Advisor: Dr. Felisa Smith

University of California, Davis
College of Biological Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Evolution, Ecology, and Biodiversity (2017)


Rossman ZT, Padfield C, Young D, Hart BL, and Hart LA (2020). Contagious Yawning in African Elephants (Loxodonta africana): Responses to Other Elephants and Familiar Humans. Front. Vet. Sci. 7:252. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2020.00252

Rossman ZT, Padfield C, Young D, and Hart LA (2017). Elephant-Initiated Interactions with Humans: Individual Differences and Specific Preferences in Captive African Elephants (Loxodonta africana). Front. Vet. Sci. 4:60. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2017.00060.

Rossman ZT, Hart B, Greco B, Young D, Padfield C, Weidner L, Gates J, and Hart LA (2017). When Yawning Occurs in Elephants. Front. Vet. Sci. 4:22. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2017.00022.

Caro T, Walker H, Rossman Z, Hendrix M, and Stankowich T (2017). Why is the giant panda black and white?. Behav. Ecol.  arx008. doi: 10.1093/beheco/arx008

Jacobson A, Dhanota J, Godfrey J, Jacobson H, Rossman Z, Stanish A, Walker H, and Riggio J (2015). A novel approach to mapping land conversion: an application to East Africa. Environmental Modelling & Software 72:1-9. doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2015.06.011


Rossman ZT, Gehrt S, Newsome SD. “Niche partitioning and individual diet specialization in a community of urban carnivores.” International Urban Wildlife Conference, June 2020 (oral presentation).

Rossman ZT, Gehrt S, Newsome SD. “Niche partitioning and individual diet specialization in a community of urban carnivores.” IsoEcol, May 2020 (poster presentation).

Rossman ZT, Gehrt S, Newsome SD. “Niche partitioning and individual diet specialization in a community of urban carnivores.” UNM Center for Stable Isotopes Brown Bag Seminar Series, October 19, 2020 (oral presentation).

Rossman, ZT. “When yawning occurs in elephants.” Presented at the UC Davis Undergraduate Research Conference, April 29, 2017 (oral presentation).

Rossman, ZT. "Elephant-initiated interactions with humans: individual differences and specific preferences." Presented at the UC Davis Undergraduate Research Conference, April 9, 2016 (oral presentation) and at the UC Davis Veterinary Medicine Undergraduate Research Symposium, April 15, 2016 (oral presentation).

Selected Science Communication

KKOB The Weekend with Terry Travis. Coyotes Among Us. (2022)

New Mexico PBS Our Land: Living in Harmony with Urban Wildlife. (2021)

Sky Island Alliance Seminar Series: Living Well and Coexisting with Urban Wildlife. (2021)

UNM BioBlog: Wile E. Coyote in the City. (2021)

Sonoran Desert Museum Sips With Scientists: Incredible Coyotes (2021)

Selected Fellowships & Grants

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (2019-2024)

Joseph Gaudin Scholarship (2020, 2021, 2022)

Grove Summer Research Scholarship (2022)

American Society of Mammalogists Grants-in-Aid of Research (2020, 2021)

University of New Mexico Graduate Research Allocation Committee Research Grant (2020, 2021)

University of New Mexico Graduate Research Allocation Committee Travel Grant (2020)


UNM Biology Undergraduate Society (BUGS) Mentoring Coordinator 2022/2023

UNM Biology Graduate Research Allocation Committee (GRAC) Chair 2021/2022